Sunday, October 31, 2010

Evening Run at Memorial

Finally, Jodi and I got together for a run at Memorial Park and it was great. It has been awhile since the both of us have run together.

We met up at the adult playground late in the day and got to the stretching. I was still feeling sore from the Biggest Loser workout that I did on Tuesday. I know right, can you believe I was still sore on Thursday. I informed her that I'm not sure how well I am going to do, because everytime I run, I get feel it! But she actually hadn't run in weeks, months, so I wasn't too worried. We started our quick walk and then picked up the run. It felt good to run on the track instead of the sidewalks of my neighborhood or the road at the dropzone; it's easier on the knees. We ran until well after 2 miles before I had to take a quick break. This was a big milestone for me since I believe that was the longest I had run before. Even Jodi thinks it, too! She also noticed that yes, I am getting faster even though I know I can run better, faster. Stupid Bob Harper...okay, I'm just kidding Bob, I love you! We walked for a minute or more before we picked up the run again. This was a short run, because I was hurting. We had one more quick walk before we picked up the small run back to the adult playground. I parked far away and used the walk back to my car as the cooldown. We did a quick stretch and said our goodbyes. All in all, it was a great little 3 mile run. I need more of those for sure.


  1. I think that's a great idea - parking far away to force yourself to cool down :)

    Congrats on the good run! :D

  2. Still not employed? I'm waiting.

  3. I'm officiall employed now. Start work on Monday. I already have my first business trip scheduled in a couple of weeks.


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