Friday, June 20, 2014

2014 National Running Day Recap

A friend of mine posted on Facebook questioning who in their right mind would make National Running Day on a Wednesday in the summer. As he did research, he realized it was in fact someone from the New York Running Club that puts on the New York Marathon. It figures. They obviously don't take in to account that not everyone lives in the north; there is in fact a whole running population in the south. And having National Running Day on a hot summer day in June in the middle of the week, well that's just mean.
This is how my body feels running at 5 p.m on Texas summer day.
But we go, because it's freaking National Running Day and I wasn't missing out this year. The Chevron Houston Marathon Committee puts on an event from 5-7 p.m. on National Running Day at Memorial Park. They have a guided run and then a party afterwards. Last year, I ran with and met my new BFF, Meb Keflezighi.

I was still sore from my marathon 10 days prior. I actually thought my body was fully recovered until I ran the Viva La Run with Luke's Locker the night before. I realized quickly within a mile that my body was just giving me false hope like when Vader lies to Leia about not destroying her home planet. I walked most of that run, because my knees and ass and legs weren't having none of that shit! So, I wrestled with going vs. not going to National Running Day, but like I said, I would just push through this pain so that I can be there. And I'm glad I went.

Although, it was hot.

And I was sore.

But gosh darnit, I was running. I met up with Jim, Rider, and a few other people. I met a new person, Jonathan who was nice enough to run with me, while Jim and Rider took off in a faster pace. I will give them credit that they stayed with us for a mile, but then they were gone. I was actually impressed that I only walked twice. It wasn't my best run obviously, but I had good conversation and I was out there running.

We ran into Jessica before we started our run.

Check out the new Ironman tat...he drew it on I'm sure of it. LOL!

This was my slow run according to Memorial Park.
Afterwards, we had some food. I also was smart enough (ok, Jim really told me to get the shirt now) to get the really cool free shirts saying Run Houston. By the time we were done with the run, they ran out of the shirts. And a trip to Memorial Park with Jim would not be complete without Chicken Fried Steak with buffalo meat and a nice beer or two at Canyon Creek.


  1. I absolutely hate running in the heat, but it is something that I am going to have to get used to.

    1. It's really awful. A good tip is to eat a icy popsicle before your run will cool your body temperature.


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