Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Early Early Morning Run...Did I Mention Early?

And it was early...before the roosters were up. I think I woke some up on my run.

I have decided that until the weather gets somewhat cooler, I'm going to have to run in the early mornings before work if I want to get any running done. I take my dogs for their long walk in the evenings (get them out of the apartment) when it's cooler and it's too hot to do running or their walk as soon as I get off work. By the time I get done with their walk, I'm just done and ready to eat or get ready for bed. And it is just not enough to run 2 days on the weekend. Since I get up early for 6 a.m. bootcamp a couple of times a week, I figured I could get up early for a run on the other days. This morning was the first attempt to see if I could actually do it. I've thought about it before, but never set the alarm clock to wake me up. Well, not this morning. I need to stop being a slacker, because I have a 10K to prepare for on September 17th. By the way, I did register last week for the Toughest 10K Kemah...got my confirmation yesterday.

I planned to only run the 1.5 loop around my block for my first time to see how it goes and then bump it up to the 3 mile loop when I get used to it. I didn't stretch (and come to think of it, I didn't stretch when I got done...damn), took out the trash, set up my ipod with unknown music, and walked to the stopsign by the convenience store (counterclockwise). When I got done warming up, I started running. "I'm a B," by Black Eyed Peas was the first song to play to get things started. NICE. It set the mood.

The run wasn't too bad, not too hot, not too unbearable. I noticed that my form was not great, because I was more concerned with the potential rapist popping out of the trees or the BIG cracks in the sidewalks that could trip me. I also noticed that my breathing is still eratic, but that will smooth out when I get used to running again (meaning that 1 mile will no longer be a big deal). I only saw 1 person on the way; he was with his black Labrador. I was envious since my Lab would never be able to run with me or be that stable running with me on the leash.

I ran the entire way around and I was close to the end and sortof feeling it. The one thing that sucks about running alone is that it's easier to walk. I've said it before, but once that thought creeps up in your head, it's hard to ignore. You figure since no one is around (especially this early in the morning), no one will care. I tried to push the thought away, but it was getting harder not to say yes to the walk when the song came on again. You know the song...I mentioned before in a previous post. I actually picked up speed and kept on running. I ran to the stop sign where I started and turned around to walk for my cool down. The run was about 20 minutes total (including my warm-up and cooldown walks), which I need to work on shaving off that time. I did have 1 slow (very slow jog) time when I was changing the ipod music. So, next run, I will work on speed.

Even though I was hot and sweaty, I would have ran another loop around if I had more time. It's a start.

What I learned on my run:
1.  Get everything ready the night before by putting everything you need in 1 spot. I was late getting out of the house, because I was searching for my keys, running belt, mace, phone, ipod stuff, sports bra, shorts, and all other running gear.
2. Make a spare key (this is good for people coming over to watch the kiddoes) and then only use that one to put on my running belt. I'm tired of constantly taking off the 1 key and then putting it back on the keychain.
3. Take your dogs out before you go running, because even though it is earlier than the time they get up when you go to morning bootcamp, they still are awake. They might not understand that they are awake, but they know that you are awake and they want to be with you. I was gone for 20 minutes at max and Remington peed and pooped in the apartment. I know it was him, because he didn't immediately pee when I took him out and he didn't even want to try to sniff any of the ground to poop. Usually, he's my golden boy and Lady is the one holding up the bathroom outside time.
4. Take your dogs out when you change up the schedule. They did this last time (Lady) when I went to my first bootcamp class and I showed up late, because they (Lady) wouldn't even sniff the ground. She wanted to look around.


  1. Doggies!!! Post pics please :)
    Is there any way you can train them to run with you? If I took my dog out for a walk and then started sprinting, he would follow me because he was super curious and thought it was a game. Then he sort of realised, 'oh yeah, I like running' and I took him to the stadium with me often.

  2. Check out my post called Walking the Dogs (http://kwb-trainingforhalfmarathon.blogspot.com/2011/07/walking-dogs.html). There they are in all their glory.

    They are old dogs and not used to mom running. Lady would go off and do her own thing. Remington would stay next to me; however, he wouldn't when big trucks, motorcycles, or other dogs came in to play. He's almost ripped my arm off the socket trying to get a truck on a busy street. Since I am really close to busy roads, I'm not comfortable with that just yet. But I'm going to try to run with him on the beach more...maybe.

  3. Okay, I am thinking that I might have caught some inspiration and try to learn to do a bit of running. Any advice for an absolute novice?

    Niki G


  4. Don't worry. I was an absolute novice. I played basketball and always hated running.

    The first thing is just to get out there and start with a mile. You don't have to run it all. Just do what you can. I think the first time I ever started running, I ran maybe a quarter mile. Over time, I got more and more until I could run a mile without stopping. Also, I really like this book called Complete Book of Women's Running (wished I had it in the beginning when I started (http://www.amazon.com/Runners-World-Complete-Womens-Running/dp/1594867585/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1310475085&sr=8-3). The other thing is to find a training guide that suits you. I used Hal Higdon's training for a half marathon, because that's what I was doing. It depends on what you want out of running. Runnersworld.com is a great site with lots of advice. And then if you want to get some events going, check out http://www.runningintheusa.com/Race/Default.aspx, My links page has alot of sites for all sorts of random running stuff.

    But the biggest advice I can give is to trust yourself and listen to your body. Don't ever feel like you need to do more, because someone else is doing more or that you feel like a wuss. Take your time and gradually increase your mileage week by week.

    Okay, I lied one more thing...doing something like boot camp or yoga (this was especially great) on top of the running as really helped with my endurance and strength.


Thank you for your comments. I will respond shortly.